Educational Article (Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer)
In this world, there are two kinds of good people. First, that if they speak or communicate his opinion always use words or phrases that sophisticated foreign and difficult to understand. Grammatically correct sentence was possible, inter-connected with the substance of the sentence context as a whole, but for the general public will find it hard to understand sentences like that. The second type are those clever people always uses words and language that is simple, but without compromising the meaning of the substance of his words. And speaking of the second language more easily understood by the public.
Why could happen the first type and the second type like that?
Everyone can be an expert in all or several disciplines at once by going through the process of learning and hard work. For example, experts in the field of medicine, or an expert in the field of law, or economics, or even in the political sphere. Or another field. But competence in the discipline are not necessarily balanced with good language skills and really well. Only people who have a logical way of thinking, medium and is capable of organizing regular languages and cozy runtut digested with common sense.
To deliver an opinion on a complex case, for example, actually takes a stage further, that mengemasnya in sentences and simple and tasty digestible. But not everyone is willing to do this stage. Generally because the speaker hustle factor, or no competence in the field of linguistics, they ignore this stage.
Bung Karno as one example of how a man who is able to deliver the contents of her mind with a very easy to understand language and delivery style that remains compelling. Not be surprised if Bung Karno speaking (without text), then the listener or viewer unwittingly been 'hypnotized' for hours.
But on the other hand, often do we watch on television the politician who delivered his opinion on a roll is not clear and unequivocal meaning. Waxing. Actually the purpose of the mind body politicians well, but because the language grammar stirring, then the effects arise so biased.
All of it is a discussion about the good.
People Who Pretend Clever
And beyond the discussion above, there is also the type of person who really does not know, but try to look to others as if he can (once). How does it work? There are many things that can be reached so as to be 'intellectual'. Using the words or phrases in a foreign art and grammatical sentence is one example.
However, because basically they do not understand the structure and grammar of knowledge of good and true, then there dirty-dirty action here that foreign terms (plus a splash a few words in foreign languages such as English, and woe is still wrong turns in the structure and grammar) even make his words became strange. Concentrate strange words that are not inter-connected whole.
Example sentence is a candidate campaign speech headman as follows, "My name is ..... I am from the birthday in Coral Asih City. I have to my mind. I have to my said.'m Gates to the everything good ...... to my place. America, Europe and everything Japanese and Asian ... "Or sample the same subject but in different events on television a few days ago," In my life, the twenty nine my age, I still yearn for appreciation Basically, I love music, my heart even more controversial advocates of conspiracy prosperity that we choose yes. "
Then, "we learn, what ya, the harmonization of the largest to the smallest thing. Enggak I think we can be the ego of a coup interest and desire what we become. Having a relationship is not mempertakut, not mempersuram statusisasi her family's prosperity, but be confident . "
"But, we should be able to mensiasati intelligence to labile ekonomiu we are better and I'm very proud ..."
Understand? Not just us as listeners who do not understand the meaning of the sentences sounding, the speakers went well honestly baffled by the meaning of these words. The arrangement of subject, predicate and obyeknya overlap is not clear. Coupled with the formation nouns, pronouns, verbs and adjectives are mutually snatching want to come out in sentences, we like looking at an abstract painting post-mo beautiful with foreign words and meanings, but a poor idea.
A communication without meaning nothing more than an empty delusion.
Language Good and True
In general there is a sentence of subject, predicate, and object to clear the meaning and purpose of his words. For example, the following sentence: "I gave him a birthday gift. I am the subject, give a predicate, he as an object, and a birthday gift as an adverb.
In the structure of words, we recognize nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, numerals and function words. Each word must be used in a variety of functions and the proper context. If a confused arrangement, then the meaning would even confusion as well.
Each word always comes from a root word. Password policies can change meaning after obtaining additional prefix, or infix, or suffix (remuneration). For example, the policy says "run" is a verb, but after getting remuneration 'pe-an' to form a 'refugee', then shifted into a noun meaning, the one who ran. Use of the stirring and strange remuneration will only confuse the invited talk.
For example the word 'mempertakut' which basically says is 'fear' is an adjective. If the adjective would be transformed into a noun, then the new form to be 'scary', but if the speaker in question is the verb should be 'afraid' or 'scary'. The prefix 'enhance provision of' The general has the 'make something that is more'. The word 'extend' has a meaning to a problem / case becomes even longer. Is 'mempertakut' means 'to make something that becomes more frightening yet'? Either right. But clearly the form of the word 'mempertakut' is not commonly used in the Indonesian language.
Same is not usually the word 'twenty nine my age. Why not deliver 'my age of twenty-nine years' time? In the structure of the English sentence is not common, generally enough with the phrase 'twenty nine years old.
Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS)
There's a wise word to express opinions that they remain relevant to the present, as in 'Keep It Simple, Stupid!' (KISS). Make it so keep it simple! Simple language is a language that uses simple words, and his words are generally too short. Short, but still meaningful. Not long rambling tiring. Here'sa novels Arswendo Atm works, such as novels 'Two Mothers' or novel 'Canting', her words are always simple and short. It's easy to follow and delicious.
Using the words of a foreign language in beropini with sentences in Indonesian language (for an audience in Indonesia as well) as far as possible be avoided. Unless the matching word is not yet in treasury (vocabulary) said the Indonesian language, or by avoiding the change of meaning (lost in translation, the meaning is lost because the translation process) that we want to subject the speaker as a replacement word.
Using a lot of foreign words in a sentence in Indonesia only to look as good, better reflects that the speaker does not believe myself. Mental problems. The intelligence would be emitted by itself, recognized by others spontaneously, without the need to be guided or herded into effect.
We will be judged by other people not just from what you see from the outside only, but also of what emerges from within us. From what we say and do in good faith from time to time.
Moreover, what impact fortunately 'good' if not give meaning or useful to his neighbor? And of course for the nation.
Burlesque Theatre
The mass media always had an interest, and woe to the money factor remains dominant there. Media releases will always give the stage to fool people so famous, while making fun of them, so selling rating of its events. That means more ad revenues. More money.
People mocked also be happy because the more well-known. That could mean money even if they are contracted to be the star of an ad, or for example the word 'saktinya' contracted to be sold as RBT (Ring Back Tone or connect tone is heard in the voice telephone line by the caller when you're done doing the calling and before calling answered by the contact) phone. And another or others.
Each party seems happy with it. Much amused, especially in the conditions of life of many of the more difficult where the higher grocery prices, soybean prices and know the more expensive, high unemployment, and bleak news of law enforcement in Indonesia, the last laugh is a growing luxury goods difficult to come by in this country (due to too many things that should be ridiculed as ironic).
But entertainment draws as entertainment. Soon we will be celebrating the Youth Oath, we must uphold our unity language, Bahasa Indonesia. We need to understand are the rules in speaking the truth and good. Nelson Mandela once said ❝ If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that's goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that's goes to his heart. ❞
So let us (still) using the Indonesian language is good and true. Do not use the word 'mempertakut' not at tenpatnya. Do not have 'mempertakut' us (because there will be no coup in the conspiracy and unstable economic prosperity).
Thank you....
Author: Ali Suyanto Herli - Kompasiana Edukasi Edisi 11 Sep 2013
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